martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Oct 10th. to Oct. 14th., 2016

My dear 7th. graders:

For preparing yourselves for the science test this next thursday, you have to study with your text book from pag. 75 to 88, and pay close attention to the figures and graphs that are contained in those pages. I'll be revieweing your note book this thursday as well, I'll be grading all your reports and cardboards presented to Mr. Galeas in your expos, as well as all section reviews developed as classwork, so have it completed to refresh your accumulative grading for this 1st. partial. See you tomorrow.

Dear 8th. graders:

For preparing yourselves for the science test this next thursday, you have to study with your text book from pag. 94 to 112, and pay close attention to the figures and graphs that are contained in those pages. I'll be revieweing your note book this friday, I'll be grading all your reports and cardboards presented to Mr. Galeas in your expos, as well as all section reviews developed as classwork, so have it completed to refresh your accumulative grading for this 1st. partial. See you tomorrow.

Dear 9th. graders:

For preparing yourselves for the science test this next thursday, you have to study with your text book from pag. 76 to 99, and pay close attention to the figures and graphs that are contained in those pages. I'll be revieweing your note book this thursday as well,  I'll be grading all your reports and cardboards presented to Mr. Galeas in your expos, as well as all section reviews developed as classwork, so have it completed to refresh your accumulative grading for this 1st. partial. See you tomorrow.

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