viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Sept 19h. through Sept. 23rd., 2016

My dear 7th. 8th. & 9th. Students: Due to my traveling overseas, I've arranged my substitution with Mr. Lombardo Galeas who is going to be incharge of you until my comming back on October 10th, if God allows our proposals.

In this matter, here is what its going to be review for your mid term evaluation report, so try to make Mr. Galeas to take note of all your pending assignmets that haven't been graded.

7th. Grade Science Insights

Description of the activities to be evaluated for reporting mid term partial.

- 3 notebook revisions, with everything that has been developed in class and this blog prior assignments.
- 1 self-analysis report of your capabilities to study science in the 7th. Grade according to a scientific report.
- Questionnaire about Earth and Living things, described in Blog 2nd. Week of clases.
- Laboratory about how to operate the microscope, observing blood cells.
- 10% Quiz
- Activities made at home, presented in the notebook as a scientific report as suggested by the teacher:
# 1 "Charge", described in the textbook, p. 54
# 2 "Science of Life", described in Tx-Bk, p. 66
# 3 "Chemistry Link" described also in the Tx-Bk, p. 66
and 5% of class behavior related to our Class rules compromise.

Be sure to have these activities fullfil so you can show to Mr. Galeas your note book with all your accomplishments, and he could actualize your actual Mid term grading.

See you back on October 10th, 2016.


8th Grade Earth Science

Four your Mid term evaluation you have to had accompliched the following activities:

3 notebook reviews, with everything that has been developed in class and this blog assignments.
1 Safety Symbol hand-crafted, made in construction paper.
1 Essay about a fiel of Science of your choice, as assigned in this Blog, 2nd. week.
1 Study guide resolved in class time, about topography & mapping.
Quiz 10%
3 Activities to do at home, presented in the notebook as a scientific report as suggested by the teacher:
# 1 "Rust portection", described in the Tx-Bk, p. 85
# 2 "Getting on the Map", described in Tx-Bk, p. 33,
       to be resolved this next week during class period, 09/20/16
# 3 "Creating a Pixel Picture" described in the Tx-Bk p. 49,
       to be resolved this week during class period, 09/20/16
5% of behavior related to our Class room compromise.

Take a look on activities #2 & #3, in your text book, to gather all the material needed to resolve them.

Be sure to have these activities fullfil so you can show to Mr. Galeas your note book with all your accomplishments, and he could actualize your actual Mid term grading.

See you back on October 10th, 2016


9th Grade Physical Science

Four your Mid term evaluation you have to had accompliched the following activities:

3 notebook reviews, with everything that has been developed in class and this blog assignments:
1 Study guide resolved in class time, about Scientific Inquiry.
1 Study guide resolved in class time, about Describing matter.
Quiz 10%
4 Activities  resolved in Lab class, presented in the notebook as a scientific report as suggested by the teacher:
# 1 "Comparing Brand X," described in the Tx-Bk, p. 17
# 2 "Making sense of  Density", described in Tx-Bk, p. 30
# 3 "It's a gas" described in the Tx-Bk p. 62
# 4 "Melting Ice" described in Tx-Bk p. 70 
and 5% of behavior related to our Class room compromise.

Be sure to have these activities fullfil, so you can show them to Mr. Galeas your note book with all your accomplishments, and he could actualize your actual Mid term grading.

See you back on October 10th, 2016

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Sept 12h. through Sept. 16th., 2016

To all grades:

In this 5th week of classes, started on Monday, September 12th, and as tradition, is also the week of the celebration of the independence of our country and therefore we all  will enjoy 3 days of holiday. Because of this, I'll summarize the assignments of the 2 days we will be in the classroom to the following:

Dear 7th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Class Work.

Home Work:
There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.


Dear 8th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Class work:
During the class period while the teacher is explaining the new topic about Classifyings Rocks the students will complete a graphic organizer designed by the teacher.
The 10% quiz will be resolve at the end of the class period.

Home work: 
In your spear time try to collect opaque rocks and transluscent rocks, as those illustrated in your Tx-Bk. pag. 95, so we can study them next week. There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.


Dear 9th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Bring a personal mirror to make a Discover activity during class time.
This week topic will be Changes in State, and at the end of the class, Section 4 review in your Tx-Bk pag 69 will be resolve, as well as the 10% quiz that will be accumulated to the 30% written evaluation.

There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Sept 5th. through Sept. 9th., 2016

Dear 7th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 4th. week of classes here in SMES.

Ch. 3 Section 3 Molecules of Life  (Home-Work)
1) To understand the chemical composition of living things, the student will perform the Activity "Hypothesizing" on Tx-Bk, pag. 66 with at least 6 slices of a cucumber. Take pictures and record what happen with the vegetable at least 6 days from day 0.

2) To recognize the presence of organic compounds such as starch, the students will perform the "Chemistry-Link" as well in Tx-Bk. pag. 66 and resolve as suggested in the text box. Take pictures and record every change observed during the procedure.

Ch. 4 Cells and Living Things (Class Work)
1) Ch. 1 to Ch. 3 10% quiz to be applied during class hour on Wednesday Sept. 7. A study guide will be presented to the students to help them focus on those chapters contents.

2) Introduction. Answer the following questions:
a) How do you know which things are living? give a concrete answer and draw a living thing and a non living thing.

b) How do you distinghish an animal cell from a vegetable cell?

General review video:


Dear 8th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 4th. week of classes here in SMES.

Ch. 3 Minerals
Sections 1 & 2

1) Sept. 6th Skills Lab Tx-Bk. pag. 75 (Class Work)
If any of you can bring mineral samples your welcome to share them into our lab classroom.

2) Sept. 8th Science 10% quiz, about Ch. 1 - 3 contents. A Study Guide will be suggested in the classroom for students to prepare for this evaluation.

3) Lab zone At-Home Activity, Tx-Bk pag. 85 (Home Work)
Rust Protection. Follow the instructions described in the text box and take some pictures to illustrate your report.

4) Resolve The Reviewing Key Terms, Tx-Bk pag. 89
From question Nr. 1 to Nr. 5

General review video:

Dear 9th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 4th. week of classes here in SMES.

Ch. 1
Section 3 Particles of Matter

1) Sept. 6th Skills Lab Tx-Bk. pag. 62 (Class Work)
Each group has to bring the materials described in Tx-Bk pag. 62 to perform the lab activity.

2) Sept. 9th Science 10% quiz, about Ch. 1 sections 1 - 3. A Study Guide will be suggested in the classroom, for students to prepare for this evaluation.

3) Resolve The Ch. 1 assessment, Tx-Bk pag. 42 (Home Work)
Checking Concepts questions 14 to 15.

General review video: