domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Sept 12h. through Sept. 16th., 2016

To all grades:

In this 5th week of classes, started on Monday, September 12th, and as tradition, is also the week of the celebration of the independence of our country and therefore we all  will enjoy 3 days of holiday. Because of this, I'll summarize the assignments of the 2 days we will be in the classroom to the following:

Dear 7th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Class Work.

Home Work:
There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.


Dear 8th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Class work:
During the class period while the teacher is explaining the new topic about Classifyings Rocks the students will complete a graphic organizer designed by the teacher.
The 10% quiz will be resolve at the end of the class period.

Home work: 
In your spear time try to collect opaque rocks and transluscent rocks, as those illustrated in your Tx-Bk. pag. 95, so we can study them next week. There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.


Dear 9th. grade Students, this is the assignment chart to resolve for the 5th. week of classes here in SMES.

Bring a personal mirror to make a Discover activity during class time.
This week topic will be Changes in State, and at the end of the class, Section 4 review in your Tx-Bk pag 69 will be resolve, as well as the 10% quiz that will be accumulated to the 30% written evaluation.

There will be no homework assigned for this holiday week. Enjoy your free time with family and friends.

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