martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for August 22nd. through Aug. 26, 2016

Dear 7th. grade Students, this is a remainder of all assignments to resolve for the 2nd. week of classes here in SMES.

Aug. 23rd. class Ch. 2 The Earth and Living Things
1. What can you say about Biosphere  
2. What makes earth location within the solar system a unique planet?  
3. Can you recall earth's waters and landmasses?  
4. How do maps and globes represent Earth's surface?  
5. Name generally accepted characteristics that distinguish a living thing from a non living thing. 
          6. How do you think life on our planet would be affected if Earth were farther away from the sun?  
            7. Why do scientist view Earth as a System?            
            8. Why is so important to study Meteorology?

 • In a circle graphshow the distribution of land and water on earth.  Label and title the graph
  • Fill the graph using the information contained on section 2.1 and 2.2, on Tx-Bk page 49.  

Friday 8/26/16
1st. Lab Practice applying:
1.2 Measuring with Scientific Units
1.3 Graphing
1.4 Microscopes and Lasers
Be sure to bring rulers, colors, markers, erasers and pencil

Note books will be reviewed on friday 8/26/16


Dear 8th. grade Students, here is a remainder of  this week Science class homework.

Aug. 23rd. Class: Earth Surface
In theTx-Bk, pag. 61, Complete Organizing Information Concept Map about the branches of earth. 
Paste some images to illustrate your work.
Answer the following questions:
What are earth’s major landforms? 
What is the main difference between a plain and a plateau? 
Why do scientist view Earth as a System?
Find out why is so important to study Meteorology? 

Check out The Skills Lab on pg. 23, and read Discovery Activity to make a Safety Plan for our School.

Note books will be reviewed on friday 8/26/16


Dear 9th. grade Students, here is a remainder of this week classes homework.

Aug. 23rd. Lab activity

Resolve Tx-Bk Act. 1, on pag. 17
Register your observation in a chart as tought by the teacher and complete the Practice Report, for this activity, using the format explain at the lab class by the teacher. Due date to receive the report, friday 8/26/16

More assignment material pending for next class session.

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