lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

SCIENCE, Assignment Letter for Oct 17th. to Oct. 21th., 2016

My dear 7th. graders:

For this week, we`ll be checking out our 1st. partial grading and performing a feedback of those topics that showed to be not as well understood and learned as expected, during this school year's first academic period.

This tuesday I've programed to develop a dialogued exposition with Ch.4 Cell's Theory and Structure, We`ll resolve some worksheets related to this topic to make a closure to every doubt that you could have about it.

By thursday we'll be starting Ch. 5 about cells and living organisms behavior and metabolism.

For those of you that need to undergo the leveling process, there is a Image with a chart to do about the animal cell and its organelles, explaining each one description and vital function, that will be  explained during our regular science class.

The image has to be about an animal cell that can be drawn with detail and colored, this issue is going to take into special account on the effort that the student makes by illustrating the cell's structure. As well for those students that don't have the drawing skill it can be printed in color or, cut from a science magazine but it has to be a least of a post card size.
Then each organelle has to be laveled with a code that match the chart that will contain each organelle description and function. Remember to make a comment about the particular structure that differentiate a plant cell from an animal cell.

This activity, has to be presented as a lab report in a spear file, with a forepage with the student`s personal information, subject and date. As well it will be valued as a leveling instrument for you to aprove the partial grading.

I hope that you can accomplish all you can and work hard this new academic period.

My dear 8th. graders:

For this week, we`ll be checking out our 1st. partial final grading, and performing a feedback of those topics that showed to be not as well understood and learned as expected, during this school year's first academic period.

This tuesday I've programed to develop a dialogued exposition with Ch.4 Rock formation cycle and Coral reef rocks, We`ll resolve some worksheets related to this topic to make a closure to every doubt that you could have about it.

By thursday we'll be starting Ch. 5 about earthquakes.
I hope that you can accomplish all you can and work hard this new academic period.

For those of you that need to undergo the leveling process, there is a guide of study to solve, about classifying rocks, that will be delivered and explained during our regular science class; this activity will be valued as a leveling instrument for you to aprove the partial grading.

It has to be presented as a lab report in a spear file with the student personal information, subject's name and date.

My dear 9th. graders:

For this week, we`ll be checking out our 1st. partial final grading, and performing a feedback of those topics that showed to be not as well understood and learned as expected, during this school year's first academic period.

This tuesday I've programed to develop a dialogued exposition with Ch.3 Periodic Table. We`ll resolve some worksheets related to this topic to make a closure to every doubt that you could have about it.

By thursday we'll be starting Ch. 4 about Chemical Reactions.

For those of you that need to undergo the leveling process, there is a guide of study with a cross word puzzle to solve, about the periodic table, that will be delivered and explained during our regular science class; this activity will be valued as a leveling instrument for you to aprove the partial grading. It has to be presented as a lab report in a spear file with the student`s personal information, subject's name and date,

I hope that you can accomplish all you can and work hard this new academic period,


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