M.D.C. August 16th, 2016.
to the big family of St. Mary’s Episcopal School.
Specially meant to my future Science, Biology
and Chemistry students, form 7th grade to 11th grade.
I’m about to start my first year as a Science
teacher for this, respectful and kind, educational institution. I cannot hide
my excitement and optimism at the moment because I believe that if you get to
know where we come from, and how our matter is conformed of, this knowledge
could lead you to new investigations and innovations in technology that might
carry out a lot of activities yet to improve.
My personal goal is to “promote and advance
scientific and investigative development through education and practice within
the walls of this distinguished school, among its youthful population".
In words of Dr. Doug Ashcraft, Head of
Idyllwild Arts Academy, “Cultural development and positive personal growth,
mean that we want to do more to produce skilled artists”, in my case, I will
like to promote novel and skilled investigators that can optimize, with my
classes on Science, Biology and Chemistry, their college studies in any career
they choose.
So, welcome students to my classroom and let’s
see where this new academic year could leads us.
My best wishes
to all of you.
Mrs. Aura Graciela Arevalo Villeda
Master in Education of Natural Sciences
St. Mary’s Episcopal School.
Aug. 15th through Aug. 19th, 2016
Text Book: Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley, Science Insights, Exploring Living Things
1.1 Science Skills and Methods
Assignment: Do a research about your skills and abilities for studying 7th gde. Science. Try to look on the internet the contents of 1st. grade through 6th grade, that you studied about science, and use the scientific method steps, described in the Text Book pg 8, to write your report.
8th Grade Activities and Assignments
Aug. 15th through Aug. 19th, 2016
Text Book: Prentice Hall, Science Explorer
Chapter 1. Introduction to Earth Science
1.1 Science Skills and Methods
Assignment: Find the meaning of the Scientific Skills and abilities key terms, from the text book pg. 6, write them on your notebook.
1.2 Measuring with Scientific Units
1.3 Graphing
1.4 Studying the Earth
9th Grade Activities and Assignments
Aug. 15th through Aug. 19th, 2016
Text Book, Prentice Hall, Physical Science
Ch. 1 What is Science:
1.1 Thinking like a Scientist
Aug. 22nd. through Aug. 26th, 2016
1.2 Developing Scientific Laws and Theories
1.3 Lab Safety Regulations
1.4 Physical Science in Daily Life
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